cabotage – an exempt from payment of customs duty!

Cabottage is the transport of goods or passengers between two places in the same country. It originally applied to shipping along coastal routes and ports, but now applies to aviation, railways, and road transport as well.

cabotage in Iran

Cabotage declaration

The cabottage declaration of goods is arranged in two versions, and the declaration should include the amount, package type, weight, container, type of goods, net weight and value of the goods and the name of the destination Customs and the delivery terms.

The shores of the Caspian Sea are exempt from cabotage formalities.


Cabotage regulations

  • The allowed Goods that do not have any export charges can be transported as cabotage by carrying out the relevant formalities and regulations.


  • Cabottage of prohibited goods or conditionally authorized goods is carried out by obtaining a guarantee or obligation by the customs.


If the validity period of the cabotage license for destination customs expires and up to 3 months after the expiration, the owner of the goods does not provide the entry certificate to the destination customs The cabotage goods is considered not to have reached the destination.

Cabotage regulations for goods that have not reached the destination:


If the cabotage goods are allowed, the implementation of the commitment or guarantee is proceeded. then the exit permit is issued.


If cabotage goods are prohibited or conditionally permitted, they are considered as smuggling goods.


to choose the best way of transportation, you can read about different types of transportation in here:



Allowed customs for cabottage formalities

Iranian customs specify the list of Customs authorized to carry out cabotage formalities.

Cabottage goods are exempt from payment of customs duty and commercial benefit tax on re-entry. but the customs charges must be paid.

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